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Tuesday 24 March 2009


I am an English teacher in Al Azhar Syifa - Budi. I have been teaching for five years. I started teaching when I was in my fourth semester of my study in university Muhammadiyah of Surakarta. I was much interested in literature and teaching subject during my study in university. Hence, my score for both subjects were satisfactory.
I was a valedictorian with the best Grade Point Average (GPA) 3, 66 in the commencement day period 2007 – 2008. Being a teacher is not only responsibility I require to, but I also work as a curriculum developer staff in my school, the position that ensemble me to associate and plunge into a profound practical education development. It let me get along with many education institutions that retain various concern as well as problem to solve.
Technically, I infer that human resource development skill is the most significant factor that determines the overall education problem raise in my country.
For this reason, I am applying for scholarship Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) 2008 in purpose of succeeding an opportunity to be a positive Part of contribution to develop my practical teaching and visionary skill for the sake of the better improvement in my school education in particular, and my national education in general.
I have a keen interest in global education and elementary teaching practice and I am currently employed by Al - Azhar Syifa Budi for almost five years. I am adaptable and feel comfortable working and communicating with people from different backgrounds. I am profoundly driven in teaching with children of various characteristics. I have been teaching in a range of education institution, from elementary level until the university level. Therefore, teaching is my professional interest.
I am applying for a post graduate level of Australian Development Scholarship Development qualification. I intend to take a master (course work) programs that contain a research project of up 30% of the master. My proposal area of development study is basic skill service. The proposed discipline I choose is teaching training.

Dear Sir,

I am applying for a letter of recommendation for the scholarship I pertain I wish you could grant me a privilege of a positive support by your letter of recommendation according to my qualification and concern in my proposed scholarship. The ADS scholarship foundation needs reflective and talented applicants to be matched with the needs and qualification of the applicants and discipline chosen.

Initially, I would be glad to have a letter of recommendation in your hand writing that I will retype and approve it via your signature. Then if you do not mind, later, I would be pleased if you send it to the University I correspondence with by the time I have been approved by the supervisor there. I am looking forward to having blessing positive hands of your wisdom and concern sir.
Thank you very much in advance.

Sincerely yours.
Fitri Kurniawan

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