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Tuesday 31 March 2009

Lexicon 2008

Choose the word in the table which best corresponds to the word above.
1. furled
a) uncurled
b) straight
c) rolled up
d) crumpled
2. vexed
a) interested
b) bored
c) amused
d) annoyed
3. stake
a) a passing interest in a project
b) a share or interest in a business
c) a cut of meat
d) a decision to leave a company
4. dour
a) cheerful
b) serious
c) sarcastic
d) unpredictable
5. ardent
a) slow and steady
b) keen and enthusiastic
c) wise and knowledgeable
d) stiff and formal
6. optimistic
a) hopeful
b) reliable
c) religious
d) sanctimonious
7. pitiless
a) sympathetic
b) show kindness
c) cruel
d) without humour
8. ruddy
a) repugnant
b) colourless
c) reddish in colour
d) wrinkled

9. authentic
a) genuine
b) honest
c) false
d) fabricated
10. prone to
a) tendency to be affected by something
b) difficulty in solving something
c) tendency to be aggressive
d) difficulty in understanding new ideas
11. to admonish
a) to speak sternly
b) to praise
c) to encourage
d) to dislike
12. charges
a) advantages
b) admissions
c) accusations
d) dismissals
13. dole
a) child benefit
b) state pension
c) unemployment benefit
d) invalidity benefit
14. evade
a) conquer
b) explore
c) profit
d) avoid
15. melodious
a) harmonious
b) mellow
c) gracious
d) raucous
16. plausible
a) believable
b) unbelievable
c) problematic
d) costly
17. harsh
a) cruel
b) benign
c) difficult
d) cheerful
18. voyage
a) pathway
b) a short trip
c) long journey
d) a peeping Tom
19. to grieve
a) to deceive
b) to feel sad
c) to feel relieved
d) to desire
20. tedious
a) boring and uninteresting
b) exciting and intriguing
c) slow and inaccurate
d) fast and accurate
21. adversity
a) easy conditions
b) marketing strategy
c) difficult circumstances
d) quality control
22. ample
a) totally insufficient for needs
b) sufficient and a little extra
c) increase in volume
d) decrease in volume
23. euphoric
a) miserable
b) surprised
c) indignant
d) ecstatic
24. diligent
a) careful and conscientious
b) careless and indifferent
c) clean and safe
d) dirty and dangerous
25. opt
a) lose
b) look for
c) fine
d) choose

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